Fair Day Information


JV Day of Fair Info

  1. Liaisons will register accompanying teacher judges at the registration desk after which they will be able to register their JV Research projects. If a school has 1 – 4 JV projects, they must provide one judge or if they bring 5 JV projects, they must provide 2 judges. Schools without the correct number of teacher judges will not be allowed to participate.
  2. Upon your arrival at the Registration Table, submit the LISEF Media Release Form for each student and adults, as well as the JV Verification Certificate for each project.
  3. Prepare a presentation of no more than seven (7) minutes, and be prepared for a question and answer session of five (5) minutes. It is the judge’s discretion to allow you to do a formal presentation. The JV Research Fair will have 2 rounds of judging.

LISEF Project Display Regulations

  1. General Display Rules
  2. Electricity will not be provided!
  3. Loss or damage – Valuable equipment may be part of the display only if the student participant accepts full responsibility should it be lost or damaged. LISEF assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to any project or project component.